• Medical Malpractice Insurance


  • Life & Disability Insurance

Medical Malpractice Insurance

A+ Rated Carriers & All Risk Retention Groups

Law Firm + Attorney Liability

A+ Rated with Consent to Settle & Duty to Defend

Oil + Gas & Energy

Comprehensive Package Policies that Save $$$ & Eliminate Hassle at Renewal Time

Business + Errors & Omissions

We will Protect your Business with our Quantified Package System.

About Clifton Insurance Agency

CLIFTON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC is a professional liability and high risk niche market insurance corporation founded in 1982 by the Clifton family. Over the past two decades we have organized and assisted in the design of elaborate professional liability and medical malpractice policies for individuals and groups across the globe. Our knowledge and experience has saved clients thousands of dollars per year and we will continue to do so as we design policies to fit your level of risk and affordability.

  • Medical Malpractice Insurance
  • Law Firm + Attorney Liability
  • Oil + Gas & Energy
  • Business + Errors & Omissions
  • Prior Acts & Tail Insurance
  • Med Spa & Individual Aesthetics Insurance
  • Midwife Malpractice Insurance
  • Make a Payment
  • Report a Claim


Medical Malpractice Insurance Clients


Attorney Liability Clients


Oil + Gas & Energy Clients


Business Insurance Clients

Question: What types of Malpractice Insurance do you offer?

We work with A+++ Rated Admitted & Non Admitted carriers nationwide. We also have access to every quality rated Risk Retention Group in the US. We are a one stop shop! If you need it we can get it! We serve all Medical fields, Legal, Oil + Gas & Energy along with fast and effective solutions for your Business.

What kind of Oil + Gas & Energy Product Lines do you write?

Lease Operators & Non-Operators/Drilling & Service Contractors/Oil & Gas Trucking/Consultants/ Commercial Wind & Solar Energy Plant Liability & Equipment

Why Should I Consider A Quote From CIA?

Clifton Insurance Agency, Inc is a family owned firm with over 35 years’ experience. Our team deploys fast, efficient and proven methods & products to make the insurance process simple and hassle free. We fight with carriers to make sure you are getting the best rates!

Are there Payment Plan Options for Coverage?

Of Course! We are happy to set up a payment plan that fits your budget. Premiums can always be paid in full but if you need financial assistance you will have it!


You are covered

“There are thousands of agencies out there that will over promise and under deliver. Many agencies say they are specialists in your field but that may not actually be the case. We are specialists and policy innovators. We spend the majority of our time fighting with carriers to lower your premiums! Contact us today to see how you can save.”